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  • Xpressions and Obsessions

    2012 - 10.10


    This week we had a few guests join us on this weeks wine adventure, Miss Deborah and her crew. They let us in on a little secret we hadn’t heard before. Apparently some of the 99 cent stores have misprint wines for sale, so you could get some quality bottles for one heck of a deal. We will be investigating this further.

    So this week we broke our streak, of high rated wines, oh well when you pick your wines the way we do you’re bound to miss once in awhile. We did have a good mix and and everyone had at least one that they liked, just nothing we all agreed on.


    Ironstone – Xpression

    Xpression a 13% Rose by Ironstone Winery was not a favorite amongst us. Bridget gagged a little on her initial taste, which is never a good sign. Chad said,“It tastes like battery acid. Nasty.” Dante concurred with Chad on this one. All three of them felt it, “Tastes like shit.” Gina was quite decisive on her rating on a, “I’d like to rinse my mouth out with Battery Acid now.” Thaddeus gave it the highest rating of the group with a, “If there’s nothing else.” Apparently our opinions were bad enough that a few of our guests passed on even trying it.

       Bridget – Tastes like shit
       Dante – Tastes like shit
       Gina – I’d like to rinse my mouth out with Battery Acid now
       Chad – Tastes like shit
       Thaddeus – If there’s nothing else


    Ironstone – Obsession

    We didn’t quite become obsessed with Obsession which is a 12.5% white also by Ironstone, but it did go over well. Bridget felt this was an, “If there’s nothing else” wine. Miss Deborah gave it a “I’d drink this all week.” Dante said, “It smells like Fruit Loops”, and Chad replied with, “and who doesn’t love Fruit Loops?” I’d agree. Dante and Gina both agree that it was a “I’d drink this all week.” Chad and Thaddeus weren’t quite at that level but both liked it giving it a, “I’d get drunk on this.” A good wine over all but not quite an obsession.

       Bridget – If there’s nothing else
       Dante – I’d drink this all week
       Gina – I’d drink this all week
       Chad – I’d get drunk on this
       Thaddeus – I’d get drunk on this


    Recoleta – Recoleta(Red)

    So when you check the wine list for this one you will be looking for the Recoleta(Red), because apparently both the red and the white are both called Recoleta, and the company that makes them is called, you guessed it Recoleta. Something tells me they really love Recoleta, Buenos Aires. Recoleta is a 12.5% Argentinian Red Blend.

    We implemented our new tasting method on this one, “the pour and chug”. It worked quite well. Though I can’t say that for this wine, it was a blend of 60% Malbec and 40% Bonarda, though we expected it to do well seeing as it’s a blend. It didn’t quite turn out that way we expected.Bridget surprised us on this one, she is usually a big fan of red blends, this you though not so much. She rated it a, “Tastes like shit.” Dante didn’t on quite agree with Bridget but still felt it was a, “Like drinking bong water.” One of these days we will find a red that Gina likes and that will be the holy grail of Reds. This was not it, Gina gave this another, “I’d like to rinse my mouth out with Battery Acid now.” Chad our very own Red specialist, she would pick a Red over a White any day. So you red lovers listen up because Chad liked this one, she went so far as to say, “I’d drink this all week.” Finally Thaddeus, we’ve seen from his past reviews he is not a fan of Reds though will drink them on occasions. This one will not make his Christmas list, but I don’t think he would refuse a glass seeing as he said, “If there’s nothing else.”

       Bridget – Tastes like shit
       Dante – Like drinking bong water
       Gina – I’d like to rinse my mouth out with Battery Acid now
       Chad – I’d drink this all week
       Thaddeus – If there’s nothing else


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