Sadly this week both Gina and Chad where unable to be attend Wine Night. This is the first wine night Chad has ever missed and it was for a very important reason. Gina and Chad you were both missed, though in true wine night style the show must go on, so Bridget, Dante, and Thaddeus soldiered though and had their threesome for the night. I believe this was the first ever wine night for the where the guy to girl ratio favored the guys; I guess it was Bridget’s lucky night being surrounded by a couple sexy beasts.
We will be presenting you with three wines tonight and one is a Moscato from Ménage à Trois cause three is our magic number. We also have a California Red Blend from Devil May Care, as well as a Pinot Noir from Asti Winery called Cellar No 8. So pull up a glass and relax because we’re diving in.
Ménage à Trois – Moscato
Yes my friends, confidants and enemies, we are having another Ménage à Trois we plan on trying the full line and aren’t far from it now. This my loyal listeners is the Ménage à Trois Moscato, white with a sweet taste, somewhat like juice with an 11% ABV. we found it at Bevmo as well as at Target for around $10.00. We found that both places carry most of the Ménage à Trois line which is good for us as they are usually on our Thanksgiving List(it’s like a Christmas list, but mostly booze and food.) Bridget said, “I’d get drunk on this,” which is saying something cause this was a sweet wine and she usually doesn’t go for the sweet stuff. Dante and Thaddeus both said where at a, “I’d drink this all week.” So it was another success with a Ménage à Trois.
Bridget – I’d get drunk on this
Dante – I’d drink this all week
Thaddeus – I’d drink this all week
Devil May Care – Devil May Care
The Devil May Care about this California Red Bend by Devil May Care exclusively found at Fresh and Easy and wasn’t bad for a 13.8% ABV. for $7.99 a bottle. Bridget rated this blend a, “I’d drink this all week.” Though Dante and Thaddeus agreed once again on a, “I’d get drunk on this.”
Bridget – I’d drink this all week
Dante – I’d get drunk on this
Thaddeus – I’d get drunk on this
Asti winery – Cellar No 8
Cellar No. 8 a Pinot Noir by Asti winery is another red and also a 13.8% ABV. and $7.99 a bottle. You can find the Cellar No. 8 at both Bevmo and Target It didn’t go over as well as the “Devil May Care”. Bridget and Thaddeus lined up on this one feeling it was a, “If there’s nothing else” Dante who usually rates most red high was only at a “Like drinking bong water” on this one. If you’re choosing between the Devil May Care and the Cellar No. 8 I all agreed go with the Devil on this one.
Bridget – If there’s nothing else
Dante – Like drinking bong water
Thaddeus – If there’s nothing else
Tags: Asti winery, Bridget, Cellar No. 8, Dante, Devil May Care, Ménage à Trois, Moscato, Pinot Noir, Red, Red blend, Thaddeus, White