Happy New Years everyone! Looks like the planet is still here and we are still trying new wines for you. This week is a white.
Snap Dragon – Snap Dragon
Snap Dragon Riesling by Snap Dragon wines in California, is a 13.5% Riesling. Yes that’s right a 13.5% Riesling, it a nice sweet white wine that’s strong enough that you can get a nice little buzz without having to worry about the sugar. Also the price was right, only $8.77 a bottle at Bevmo. Bridget gave it, “A hard 6”, she liked it but not a new favorite. Dante was close behind saying, “I’d get drunk on this.” Thaddeus loved it, not enough to beat “Ballatore Gran Spumante”, but felt it was a definite” fully erect 7.”
Bridget – A hard 6
Dante – I’d get drunk on this
Thaddeus – A fully erect 7
Tags: 13.5%, 8.77, Bevmo, Bridget, CA, Dante, Snap Dragon, Thaddeus